Unix Time and Converter

How to Use the Unix Time Converter

Entering the realm of time conversion might seem intimidating at first, but what if I told you that you could do it in a blink of an eye? Yes, you heard it right! With our tool, Unix Time Converter, it becomes a piece of cake.

Convert Unix Time to Human-Readable Time: All you need to do is to enter a Unix timestamp (like 1672444800) into the provided field. Voilà! You will get the human-readable equivalent, like a date in the format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". Convenient, isn’t it?

Convert Human-Readable Time to Unix Time: Let's flip it. Enter a date and time in the format "2023-01-01T00:00" and get the corresponding Unix timestamp in seconds. It's as simple as that.

Time Zone Information: Ever wondered about the time difference between GMT and your local timezone? Enter a Unix timestamp or human-readable date, and you get GMT time, time in your timezone, and the relative time (past, present, or future).

Local Information: Here's a treat! You get your local and UTC date, local and UTC time, and your local timezone information. Simply enter a Unix timestamp or a human-readable date, and all these details will unveil themselves to you.

Real-time Unix Timestamps: This feature keeps you updated with the real-time Unix timestamp in seconds and milliseconds, with an option to copy them with a simple click!

What is the Unix Time Converter?

The Unix Time Converter is a handy online tool that facilitates the conversion of Unix timestamps to human-readable time and vice versa. It also serves you with essential information like GMT time, your local timezone time, and relative time once you input your desired Unix timestamp or human-readable date.

What Are Its Applications?

Data Analysis: Handling data from different time zones? Unix Time Converter is here to rescue. Convert timestamps to a consistent format and analyze data with ease.

Time Tracking: Working with a global team? Manage your schedules efficiently by converting your time to Unix timestamp and share with your team.

Troubleshooting IT Issues: Get your hands on accurate timestamps and expedite the process of bug tracking and log analysis.

Scheduling Posts: If you are in social media management, schedule your posts with precision across various time zones using this converter.


Unix Time, also known as POSIX time or Epoch time, is a system for tracking time that defines the time and dates as the number of seconds that have passed since the Unix Epoch, i.e., 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970, not counting leap seconds.

Unix Time Converter is essential because human-readable dates and times can vary depending on the geographical location and the format used. Unix time is universal as it counts the seconds from a fixed point in time. Hence, it's easier to compare and convert between different time zones.

Absolutely! Just click on the 'Copy' button adjacent to your result, and the information will be copied to your clipboard.

No, this tool is client-side, which means all the processing is done within your browser. It doesn't store any data you enter into the tool.

The tool supports all globally recognized time zones. It dynamically detects your local time zone and shows information accordingly.